Zsh Compinit ... RTFM
Slow start times in Zsh are probably a sign of poor configuration
Originally published on November 9, 2018
Last updated on July 6, 2024
Filed under Technology
This week I dealt with a problem that had been bugging me. I noticed that the time a took to start a new Zsh terminal session went from essentially instant to around 4 seconds1. I take some pride in running a lightweight system, so the thought of having to wait a few seconds for my terminal emulator to display a prompt feels like a personal affront. My system wasn’t just behaving badly, it was challenging me by way of insult.
Accepting the challenge laid before me, I took to my favorite search
engine to see what tools were available to help me understand what
was suddenly performing so poorly. Oh, okay. This
post says that
Zsh includes a script profiler. All I need to do is turn it on in my
file, like so:
zmodload zsh/zprof
Maybe this challenge won’t be so challenging after all. So I restart my
shell and run the zprof
command, and I see this:
num calls time self name
1) 1 203.91 203.91 45.30% 203.91 203.91 45.30% compdump
2) 744 109.84 0.15 24.40% 109.84 0.15 24.40% compdef
3) 1 448.41 448.41 99.62% 108.01 108.01 24.00% compinit
4) 2 26.75 13.38 5.94% 26.75 13.38 5.94% compaudit
5) 1 1.37 1.37 0.30% 1.37 1.37 0.30% colors
6) 2 0.12 0.06 0.03% 0.12 0.06 0.03% set_title
7) 1 0.15 0.15 0.03% 0.08 0.08 0.02% preexec
8) 1 0.07 0.07 0.02% 0.03 0.03 0.01% precmd
Okay, so initializing the completion system (i.e., all of the items with names beginning with “comp”) is taking a combined 99.64% of the startup time. No need to do any fancy pareto analysis here. Something is getting borked initializing Zsh’s much-vaunted completion system.
So I DuckDuckWent2 and found some results that purported to fix the issue, except that they really only half fixed it for me (literally cutting my start time in half … an improvement for sure, but not good enough). All of the advice3 seemed to point in the same direction, which was basically:
autoload -Uz compinit
if [ $(date +'%j') != $(stat -f '%Sm' -t '%j' ~/.zcompdump) ]; then
compinit -C
The effect of which is to only check .zcompdump
when it’s more than
24 hours old, and otherwise to simply initialize the completion system
without referring to it. But wait, why should this be necessary? The
whole point of .zcompdump
is to speed up compinit. If ignoring it
becomes the fix for slow compinit, then why should I ever use it?
So I read the effing manual, and indeed my instincts were correct. To quote:
To speed up the running of compinit, it can be made to produce a dumped configuration that will be read in on future invocations. … The dumped file is .zcompdump …
But why is it not working the way the manual describes? And why do so many other people seem to see similar behavior to me? Let’s read a little further.
If the number of completion files changes, compinit will recognise this and produce a new dump file.
Aha! So by implication one needs to be careful how they go about
initializing the completion system. If you do something stupid like,
say, eval a completion script (effectively initializing the completion
system) before you update your fpath4 and otherwise run
, then the number of completion files Zsh sees will differ
by one between when you eval the completion script and when you later
call compinit
, meaning you’ll fully run compdump
every time you
source your .zshrc
… twice.
Once I understood this, the fix was obvious. Take the completion script
I was manually eval-ing, turn it into a function script, and add it to
my fpath
before running compinit
so it gets picked up with the
rest of the completion system initialization. Now the .zcompdump
isn’t updated every time a spawn a new shell, and the initialization
time dropped down to 60-90 ms for an improvement of over 90% in the
worst case.
Sidebar: Oh My Zsh
Oh My Zsh seems by all accounts to be a very
popular framework for managing your Zsh configuration, but while I
don’t personally use it, my impression is that it gives you enough
rope to hang yourself with in this respect. I could see how it would
be easy were I to source a bunch of third-party helper scripts in my
that were written by a half-dozen different people for the
completion system initialization to end up in a similar state. Just
something to keep in mind if the themes, plugins, and other candy
offered by Oh My Zsh is too much for you to pass up.
Later measurement indicated the actual time was 1.0-1.5s, but either way it felt like forever. ↩︎
Probably the best written example I found was at https://carlosbecker.com/posts/speeding-up-zsh/, from which I pulled the above quote. ↩︎
is the Zsh function path, which is similar to your system path, but for sourcing function scripts rather than executables ↩︎